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Kids & Students
Vibrant Kids Mission
We don't believe your kids are the next generation, but the now generation. There's no such thing as a "Junior" Holy Spirit and that's why we don't just babysit your kiddos. At Vibrant, we teach our kids biblical truths to equip them for the crazy world we live in today.
Newborns - 5th Grade
On Sunday Mornings, we offer ministry from new borns - 5th grade. Our team is ready for little ones. We believe that kids should have a blast at church every single week - and at Vibrant Church, we make this a priority. Our vision for Children's ministry is that your kids would not only have a blast but also have their hearts and minds focused upon Jesus!
Vibrant Students
6th - 12th Grade
Vibrant Students exists to help this generation grow closer in community and in their relationship with God. The first Sunday of the month we have Vibe Nights - our big service for students with worship, games, giveaways, and an encouraging message about Jesus. We also have life-groups that meet through-out the rest of the month.

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